the workload

"My employees complain about having too much work..."
There may be circumstances when your employees complain about having too much work to do: how to limit it and help them get organized?

A feeling of overwork can generate stress and have a strong impact on your employees’ health. It is therefore necessary to support them, taking time with them to adapt their tasks according to their profile and needs. It is therefore necessary to support them, taking time with them to adapt their tasks according to their profile and needs.

How to do this?

  • Give clear and realistic objectives

    Your employees need benchmarks to know what is expected of them. An objective can, for example, be designed according to the SMART method: it must be Specific and Simple, Measurable, Ambitious and Accepted, Realistic and Time-bound (time-delimited). It may also be interesting to invite the employee to reflect with you on his or her objectives. Work objectives serve as a guide for employees in fulfilling their assignment. It is therefore important that they are clearly stated, as are the resources that will be allocated to the associate. Make sure that the tasks’ contents and the position are clear and specify the scope of each person's responsibilities. Therefore, make sure that everyone has a clear vision of their priorities: the Eisenhower matrix is a good way to help prioritize their tasks.

  • Look for possible adaptations with your employees

    In the event of an increase in the workload, it is important to explore other possible solutions with your employees, such as the organisation of working time, the distribution of roles, the development of skills, etc. It may also be interesting to involve them in this search for solutions, given that they have a real knowledge of the field.

  • Evaluate the actual workload

    The work done does not always correspond to the efforts and time estimated upstream, and it must be possible to be able to evaluate the actual workload requested. When organizing work, anticipate the learning time (project’s management) as well as the possibilities of unforeseen events. Regular feedback with your employees also can give you a vision of the work progress and allow you to guide the workload if necessary. Take time to collectively develop adjustments if necessary, and help your collaborators prioritize and inform them of upcoming changes.

  • Find time to share

    We advise you to find time for your relationship with your associates, which will allow them to feedback their perceptions, and thus to better welcome what they need to do and the amount of work, as they will have been able to express their point of view. Especially since their return from the field will be a valuable help to better organize the activity.

  • Recognize your employees’ efforts

    By showing gratitude to your Team Members, you prevent disappointment and you avoid adding stress.

Don't forget, if you have any problems you have internal resources

Human Resources

Your Managers

Staff representatives

Occupational Health Services