work-life balance easier

"My associates feel that their work encroaches more and more upon their private life."
Does your team need to find the right balance between professional and personal life?

The balance between private and professional life is qualified as one of the essential ingredients to generate professional satisfaction.

According to a study conducted by TNS Sofres, for 99% of associates surveyed, it is important that work provides a good life balance. Since associates spend a very large part of their time at their workplace, it is necessary to balance your associates’ needs and your company requirements. This work-lives balance promotes team loyalty and satisfaction. This will have a positive impact on productivity and absenteism.

Two thirds of company directors consider that encouraging a better work-life balance can be a "performance lever" for the company.

Overwork may well be the next "time bomb" of psycho-social risks.

Above all, you must take time with your associates to adapt their missions according to their profile and your needs.

There are many methods and tools available to deal with this workload. This solution must be chosen with the associates’ participation.

Our guidelines to support the development of your team

  • As a manager, set a good example

    Take into account the particularities of each person while ensuring the cohesion of the group. Make life and well-being at work balance easier through your practices.

  • Adapt schedules and deadlines as best you can

    Maintain reasonable working hours adapted to your associates. Be flexible and understanding when dealing with occasional requests for flexible working hours or teleworking (where appropriate), for example. Anticipate realistic deadlines for different projects. Why not introduce teleworking?

  • Make good use of emails

    Know how to limit the sending of e-mails outside office hours or on weekends, think of the "right to disconnect". Also, do not encourage your associates to process their emails during these periods.

  • Watch out and comply with time

    Time is precious, be vigilant for long working days or weeks during peak periods. They must not become a habit. A well-rested team is more fulfilled and productive.

Don't forget, if you have any problems you have internal resources

Human Resources

Your Managers

Staff representatives

Occupational Health Services