
We all need to be recognized
Everybody needs to be recognized

You probably know that recognition of work accomplished is necessary to build the morale and motivation of each member of your team (indeed, every employee needs to feel valued and recognized for his or her work.

Lack of recognition can constitute disabling suffering for the individual as well as for his or her associates.

Recognition must also be expressed through daily actions. For you, the manager, it is essential to exercise it with your team. This will create in them a kind of "pacemaker" able to give them confidence, strength and stability. To act this way is to know the activity and therefore to be better able to recognize the value of an employee, his activity, his investment in work and his results. It is no coincidence that the need for self-esteem is described as the second most important need for the individual in Maslow's pyramid.

Our 5 advices to support the development of your team

  • Take the opportunity to say thank you

    This seems obvious, but when files accumulate and deadlines approach, thanks are often overlooked. However, these are the basis for recognition at work. We will not bother to remind you also that learning to greet your associates... we think that the benefits of a simple "hello" is no longer to be demonstrated.

  • Celebrate collective successes

    Rewarding the collective effort will allow your associates to build relationships and stay motivated. There is nothing better than getting congratulations from your peers to fully appreciate the results of your efforts. Also, in case of failure, acknowledge the commitment of your associates to a project, even if a project, a contract has not been won, discuss the obstacles encountered and things to avoid in the future. Give the perspective on the career. Have a coherent and encouraging positioning.

  • Encourage applause during a meeting

    To reduce the drama of speaking and reward the effort made by the speaker. This will make the meeting less monotonous. To be used in moderation, if we always applaud this twists the beneficial contributions of the action...

  • Make a table of positive comments

    These positive comments will always give morale support and keep the meaning of work in mind. This method will encourage associates to "think positive" and encourage internal feedback.

  • Compliment his/her associates

    This must be sincere and fairly attributed to have positive effects! We always manage to express loud and clear what does not suit us, what needs to be improved. So, don't hesitate to say what we like about encouraging "good behaviour".

Don't forget, if you have any problems you have internal resources

Human Resources

Your Managers

Staff representatives

Occupational Health Services